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Privacy Policy

1. Approach to Privacy

As company conducting solution services associated with information system as core business, Hitachi Solutions East Japan, Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "Hitachi Solutions East Japan") handles a diverse range of information including our own technical information and information from our customers. We have an established framework for information management that we stringently apply out of respect for the value of the information we are trusted with.

We have established management systems for personal information protection and defined internal rules, a framework for information management, and formulated a privacy policy. The management systems are designed to be consistent with the Act on the Protection of Personal Information and JIS Q 15001 requirements for personal information protection management systems. They are also consistent with other legislation concerning the handling of personal information and governmental guidelines and standards. We ensure that our directors and employees are continuously informed about these policies, which serve as guidelines for our efforts to protect personal information.

2. Hitachi Solutions East Japan's Privacy Policy

Acquisition, Utilization and Provision of Personal Information; Prohibition of Utilization Other Than for Intended Purposes

Hitachi Solutions East Japan provides information services, which involve activities through which we keep personal information. In addition to implementing the management of personal information protection that is tailored to our respective business activities, we endeavor to appropriately handle information guided by specific rules about the acquisition, utilization and handling of personal information. We prohibit the utilization of personal information other than for the intended purposes and take measures to prevent unintended usage.

Entrusting the Handling of Personal Information

When entrusting, in whole or in part, the handling of personal information acquired through the measures previously described, we select a trustee that meets adequate standards for protection. We take the appropriate measures such as entering into contract(s) with the trustee.

Compliance with Legislation and Standards

Hitachi Solutions East Japan complies with legislation concerning the handling of personal information and governmental guidelines and standards. We ensure that our internal rules for personal information management are consistent with legislation, guidelines and other industry standards.

Safety Measures and Corrective Action

Hitachi Solutions East Japan implements measures to secure the accuracy and safety of personal information, by conforming with rules concerning information security, controlling access to, restricting the means for removal, and preventing unauthorized external access to information. We always endeavor to prevent the leak, loss or damage of personal information. In the event that we suspect there are issues with our safety measures, we will identify the cause and take appropriate corrective action.

Respect for the Rights of Persons and Their Personal Information

If Hitachi Solutions East Japan receives a request, complaint or inquiry from a person regarding the disclosure, correction or deletion of their personal information, or regarding the utilization or provision of such information, we pledge to respond in good faith out of respect for the rights of the person to whom the personal information belongs.

Formulation, Implementation, Maintenance and Continual Improvement of Management Systems for Personal Information Protection

Hitachi Solutions East Japan will ensure that its directors and employees understand the importance of personal information protection. We will set in place management systems for personal information protection to ensure that personal information is appropriately utilized and protected, while consistently implementing, maintaining and continuously improving the management systems.

Established: December 5, 2006
Revised: April 1, 2023

Takeo Ishii
Hitachi Solutions East Japan, Ltd.

3. Privacy Mark

Privacy Mark logo

Hitachi Solutions East Japan has set the Privacy Policy to appropriately protect personal information entrusted by the customer, and has been acting upon its unique regulation for protection and management based on the policy, and the establishment of protection system headed by the Chief Privacy Officer concurrently served by the board member. These activities has been granted the right to display the PrivacyMark, denoting that we take appropriate measures to protect personal information. The PrivacyMark system is managed by the certifying organization (JIPDEC: Japan Information Processing Development Corporation). (11820180(11))

Go to the website of the Privacy Mark System Committee.JIPDEC

4. Definition of Personal Information and Activity of its Protection

Hitachi Solutions East Japan shall define that personal information means information about individuals, including the name, birth date and other descriptions about them, or a number, symbol, code, image or sound assigned to them, that identifies the individuals (it shall also include the information that cannot identify individuals by itself, but can, as it easily can be verified with some other information.) In addition, it shall not be limited to personal identifiers, but shall include any information that indicates a fact, recognition and assessment about the attribute of individuals, including a physical characteristic, property, occupation or status.

Hitachi Solutions East Japan protects and manages the personal information by establishing a manager on a department basis with the greatest care and the best effort based on the "Hitachi Solutions East Japan Privacy Policy".
And, from the viewpoint of the protection of the rights and interests of the Concerned Persons, Hitachi Solutions East Japan makes efforts to consider the following points.

  1. Responding to request from Concerned Persons about their retained personal data by voluntarily stopping its use, etc., such as stopping the sending of direct mail to the Concerned Person.
  2. Whether information is entrusted to others or not, promoting the clarification of outside processing, such as clarifying the details of work done outside the business by outsourcers.
  3. Clarifying the purpose of use more to the Concerned Persons through activities such as the business voluntarily limiting the purpose of use based on the selections of the Concerned Persons or the business limiting and showing the purpose of use by type with consideration to the details of the work.
  4. Specifying as concretely as possible the source personal information was acquired from and the method of acquisition (the type of acquisition source, etc.) on the procedures to meet requests for disclosure and others.

5. Scope of Application

This website, "Privacy Policy," establishes the Hitachi Solutions East Japan's procedures for handling personal information.

6. Handling Policy of Personal Information - Collection/Usage Purpose and Provision to Third Party

In relation to Hitachi Solutions East Japan's main business activities for the information service, Hitachi Solutions East Japan will collect and use personal information only to achieve each purpose.

  • * a. Execution of a contract concluded between Hitachi Solutions East Japan and a customer.
  • * b. Contacts for business negotiations and meetings with a customer.
  • * c. Delivery of after-sales service on products, and sending of information on events and new products.
  • * d. Execution of business, including system development, operation and maintenance, entrusted by customers.
  • * e. Delivery of various membership services.
  • * f. Affairs of stocks.
  • * g. Response to various inquiries from a customer.
  • * h. Analysis based on questionnaires and usage situation of our service provided, to improve products and services.
  • * i. Administration related to recruitment by Hitachi Solutions East Japan.
  • * j. Hiring activities by Hitachi Solutions East Japan, such as notification and sending of documents related to screening or hiring.

When Hitachi Solutions East Japan requires a person to provide the personal information as is written in a document directly from the person, Hitachi Solutions East Japan will clearly state the purpose of the use beforehand to obtain the consent.

Hitachi Solutions East Japan will not provide the personal information with a third party without first obtaining consent of the person, except in the following cases:

  • * a. Cases in which the provision of personal information is based on laws.
  • * b. Cases in which the provision of personal information is necessary for the protection of the life, body, or property of an individual and in which it is difficult to obtain the consent of the person.
  • * c. Cases in which the provision of personal information is specially necessary for improving public hygiene or promoting the sound growth of children and in which it is difficult to obtain the consent of the person.
  • * d. Cases in which the provision of personal information is necessary for cooperating with a state institution, a local public body, or an individual or entity entrusted by one in executing the operations prescribed by laws and in which obtaining the consent of the person might impede the execution of the operations concerned.
  • * e. Cases in which an entry handling personal information entrust the handling of personal information in whole or in part within the scope necessary for the achievement of the Purpose of Use.
  • * f. Case in which personal information is provided as a result of the take-over of business in a merger or otherwise.

Hitachi Solutions East Japan may supply your personal information-including your name, work and home addresses, phone numbers, fax numbers, and e-mail addresses-to Hitachi, Ltd. and our affiliates, only within the scope necessary for the purposes described in the items of paragraph 1 above and including for joint use. We will only supply your personal information with your prior consent, after you indicate that you have read the Privacy Policy displayed on the contact pages of this website. Personal information that we receive with your consent is supplied to Hitachi, Ltd. or our affiliates in printed form or electronically. You may at any time contact us to request that we stop supplying this information.

7. About Usage of Cookies and Web beacons

Hitachi Solutions East Japan uses cookies*1 and Web beacons (clear GIF)*2 in part of the website to make it more conveniently to use for person.
A person can refuse to receive a cookie, or can display a warning message when receiving a cookie by changing the setting of a web browser. For more details, please see the instructions of a web browser you are using. Moreover, a person can reject a Web beacon by setting to refuse the receipt of a cookie.
But, in the first case, please note that a person may not be able to use the all or part of our services provided in the website.

【 Glossary 】
Means information exchanged one another between a web server that controls a web site and a web browser that a person uses. Cookies may be saved as files in the disk of a person's PC. If you use a cookie, the web server can track and record information about which pages in the web site the particular computer visits etc. However, we cannot identify the person unless he or she enters the personal information into the web site.
Web Beacons:
Means technology that functions with a cookie to check how many times a person accesses a particular page. However, we cannot identify the person unless he or she enters the personal information when receiving cookies.

8. Request to Disclose Personal Information or Raising Complaints

When a person wants to request to disclose, correct, add, delete, stop usage, stop provision to a third party, or notify the purpose of usage of his or her personal information (hereinafter referred to as "disclose and so on") held by Hitachi Solutions East Japan, or wants to raise complaints, the person is requested to follow the following procedures:

(1) Request to disclose personal information that a person submitted to a Hitachi Solutions East Japan's sales department.
Please contact the relevant sales department.

(2) Request to disclose personal information that a person submitted through our web site.
Please contact the department that manages the relevant web site.

(3) Request to disclose personal information in the event except the above (1) or (2).
For the details of the request to disclose personal information, please see the following web site.
Details of the request to disclose personal information and so on.

(4) Complaints for our personal information handling.
Please fill in the requested items in the "Letter of Complaint for Personal Information Handling" and send it to the following address, or call us.
Letter of Complaint for Personal Information Handling

Contact address:
Aoba-dori Plaza Bldg., 3-2-1 Chuo, Aoba-ku, Sendai-shi, Miyagi-ken, 980-0021, Japan
General Administration Dept., Hitachi Solutions East Japan, Ltd.
Contact through Inquiry form

Download Letter of Complaint:
Letter of Complaint for Personal Information Handling

  • * This contact information is intended for inquiries about privacy. For product inquiries, please contact the respective product department.

Hitachi Solutions East Japan, Ltd.
Executive Officer Fumiaki Noba
Address : Aoba-dori Plaza Bldg., 3-2-1 Chuo, Aoba-ku, Sendai-shi, Miyagi-ken, 980-0021, Japan

Hitachi Solutions East Japan is an enterprise covered under the activities of JIPDEC, which acts as an authorized personal information protection organization. Complaints about the handling of personal information by applicable enterprises can be forwarded to JIPDEC.

Authorized Personal Information Protection Organization:
Privacy Mark System Committee.JIPDEC
Privacy Mark Promotion Center

A third party organization prescribed under the Act on the Protection of Personal Information, that is responsible for processing complaints and supplying information relating to personal information.

9. Request to Person

(1) While most of Hitachi Solutions East Japan's services can be used without the personal information, please note that some services are only available with the submission of the personal information.

(2) Please note that Hitachi Solutions East Japan is not responsible for the security of personal information in any non-Hitachi Solutions East Japan web site whose link is included in the Hitachi Solutions East Japan's web site.

(3) If a person enters the personal information into the Hitachi Solutions East Japan's website, he or she is required to agree upon the provisions in this website, "Privacy Policy", otherwise you may not use our services (including response to inquiries). Also, if you are aged at 14 or younger, please enter the personal information with the consent of a parent or guardian.

10. Special Note

(1) Our personal information protection policy shall be in accordance with the laws of Japan.

(2) Hitachi Solutions East Japan may revise this website, "Privacy Policy," to improve the handling of personal information and/or due to the revision of laws or ordinances, or other rules or regulations.

(3) The implementation of this website, "Privacy Policy," shall be after the issued date (or revised date).

(4) If each Hitachi Solutions East Japan website has its own personal information policy, this policy shall supersede the provisions of any other policies in the Hitachi Solutions East Japan websites.

(5) If a person calls us, Hitachi Solutions East Japan may tape the call to ensure offering clearer answers.

11. Inquiries about This Website (For inquiries except the requests to disclose personal information and the raising complaints)

If you have any questions about this web site "Privacy Policy" except Section 8 (Request to Disclose Personal Information or Raising Complaints), please contact us using the following "Inquiry Form".

If you submit us any inquiries or opinions, we would like you to carefully read and agree on the terms stipulated in this document, otherwise please note that we may not answer the inquiry.
Any personal information you submit us will be deleted, as we answer your inquiry, and we will not hold it.
Contact through Inquiry form

Enacted on December 5, 2006
Revised on April 1, 2024